Rainbowfish's description and instructions:
The attached zip file is an Excel file that should make keeping track of all the plants in Plant Tycoon
much easier!
The file consists of three worksheets. The first one that appears is a chart to keep track of plant crosses (for example - tree x grass = shrub).
The second worksheet is a chart to keep track of flower crosses (i.e. blue flower x red flower = purple flower).
The third and final worksheet is a Plant Tracker chart. You should have a separate Plant Tracker chart for each gameslot (if you play more than one slot). The first horizontal row and vertical column should contain opposing terms. That is, if you were to put plant type on the horizontal row, the vertical column should contain the flower type, and vice versa.
Every row has three columns for each type. In these three cells, you can enter soil level of the plant, selling price, and whether you have it yet in the game or not, in any order you may prefer. Or you can keep track of different elements - use it any way that you want, really.
While the charts are fairly simple by most standards, they are meant to be worked on the computer, or printed and the information is entered with pencil (or pen). (I recommend printing in landscape format.)
The charts all have sample data already entered for you to take a peek at. Once you are ready, delete the sample data and start keeping track of
your plants!
If you wish to modify the charts for your own use, feel free to do so.