I normanly say:
"i hate school so how come you are desperate to get there!?"
"if you keep having parties on the dead people their souls will come back and haunt you!"
"i am just glad that the kids don't demand pocket money!"
"this is personal hygeine gone mad! they wash their clothes but don't take baths?!?!"
"you are 6 years old and you are "waiting for someone!?!?" who????"
"if the kids go to the loo in the dead flowers, then where do the adults go to the loo???"
"look kid! you do NOT need a degree in mushroom picking, to know how to pick one"
"oh no he is high on mushrooms again!"
"i am just glad that the GC hasn't heard of "kareoke night" or a "Dance Mat""
"can't u tell the differnce between the research table and a boulder?!"
*sees a guy dancing* "please don't, you look weird enough already!!!"
"look dude you r a "builder" not a "wonder-around-and-do-what-ever-you-feel-like-er"!!!"
Have You notice how there is a school but no teachers?? the kids probly spend all day playing hangman on the white board cuz there is no teacher there!! hehehe.
Btw i have a villager that loves the ocean but
HATES swimming! how on earth does that work?!
my motto for V.V is: "if you old enough to walk, you are old enough to Work!".