The male villagers below are all brothers. Two of them are twins, but the other two were single births. I changed their outfits so that they all look identical. This is my favorite male villager and I want future tribespeople to look like him. Therefore, they're all working on their parenting skills, even though my population is at its max (need one more shell to increase it by 5). There are other identical villagers too, they're just not pictured here because they're taking a break from embracing and are enjoying the pond or helping the farmers. Anyway, here's a little story....

The lady in the upper right is named Zen. She's 48 (the oldest female villager still in breeding age) and is a trainee doctor and never gets a chance to study the plants or heal people. All of the brothers continually embrace her and then go in the lovely hut at the same time. First, #1 embraces her, kisses her, and begins to walk towards the hut. While she's walking with him, #2 wants to embrace her, so she stops to wait for him. This happens with each brother and it creates a pretty funny scene as you see below.

There's also another female master parent in the tribe who goes in the lovely hut with her chosen male villager at the same time that these brothers are mating with Zen. Too bad none of them can actually produce offspring while my collections are incomplete!