
Aren't we running the danger here of not leaving Arthur with much of what was, afterall, his concept?

Well, I though that Arthur and Co. enjoyed our suggestions, I know my "list" is OTT (holding my hand up for that) but thought the point of this thread was new ideas, or am I mistaken??

And regarding the colour font,

First, thanks for your warm welcome!! Second, I used the colour fonts to distinguish between the "chapters" of my list, but realise that the yellow in particular is rather light (first time I've used it) and obviously, given my origins, should have gone for the green, haha!!

But I love purple, so will probably still post in that, although I'm sorry if you had any difficulty reading anything I've written.

Maybe the fault is more to do with the "boring" length of my posts rather then the colour, haha!!

Again, apologies,

Best of Irish,