I still think babies shouldn't die with nursing mothers. At least not after they've upgraded either research or medicine. Heck, even in the most primitive cultures they have ways to keep a child alive after the mother's dead. No reason that even a girl who isn't of breedable age couldn't take care of the infant and feed it a bottle. And heck, even dogs that have been fixed but delievered at least one litter of puppies in their lifetime have been known to spontanously produce milk at the sight of nursing puppies. (My own dog, God rest her soul, Bitty did that at least once I can remember after being fixed - she had 2 litters of puppies herself.) So no reason a non-nursing woman who's got a bit of breeding can't take care of the infant. They'd just be more fragile in their first few years of life since antibodies nessasary to fight off illness comes through the mom's milk.

Heck, I was allergic as a baby and had to be fed soy milk when I should've been nursing. Don't see why coconut milk can't do for infants with dead mom's. At least until a nursing mom comes along.
~Jami JoAnne Russell~
