
I actually tried solving the family tree problem by devising a last name system. My tribe ended up with majority full of [Name] Farmer and [Name] Healer. So I think a family tree would be extremely useful. I also use a family tree. And I also use a sirname sytem. I use my, my father's and husband's hebrew names for each clan. Makes the game more fun and even my husband is beginning to get into it.

I also agree with the rest that when children go to school their points should go up and that there should be apprenticeship.

Another thing is that the villagers should know how to prioritise and do their work a million times before going of to play.

I would like a 3x speed specially for when i am playing VV. Then I could use 2x just for when i am not around.

I don't mind more God-powers in the game, cos i think its just solving puzzles and following a rigid storyline.

Life is hard. So put on your big girl panties and deal with it.