And wow am I thrilled by the work that you guys at LDW have done! I'm also extremely grateful to everyone who has posted anything on here...even the negative things. This has to be one of the most positive, pleasing things that I've come across (Virtual Villagers that is). response to the three previous posts: Could the "Golden Child" possibly be an alliteration to the movie "The Golden Child" with Eddie Murphy? Thats what the lil critter seems to remind me of. (I've only completed 5 puzzles but i've ready almost every single post and review because I JUST couldn't resist!!!)

Anyway though, I must say this is one of the best and most creative games I've ever played and I am a die hard gamer!! it is very refreshing and for all of those who say they were disappointed and cheated...please! You can barely go to the movies (2 persons) for less than $20 and thats at the most 3 hours. And even THATS hit or miss. You never know if you're going to truly like the movie or not.
As one person said before, it is truly just a game, that the majority of us are fully enjoying and benefiting from! I LOVE IT! And I can't wait for VV2!!
