Well, there are a lot of great suggestions here.

I really like the idea of a "years since landing" or something like that (months, weeks, whatever). I'd love to know how much progress I've made in gametime without trying to remember the characters' starting ages.

I suppose the way it's coded, a baby doesn't actually count as a character and it's just a prop when you have a nursing mother. I'd love to change that so that we could have the aforementioned pink and blue blankets and names for the babies immediately. If their skills are inherited, then they should have them at birth, too. And I'd like someone else to be able to take over nursing the baby if mom dies (maybe put in a limitation that it has to be a female that has a baby too or something)

I'd love a larger variety of characters, so they didn't look like each other. As long as I had this, I'd be perfectly fine with not getting "aging" characters.

Go ahead and let users rotate through the outfits, but let them go in a circle instead of stopping at the end.

I would love a "don't do this" option. Say an "X" instead of a checkmark in the box (or some sort of symbol - maybe turn the row red since "X" is often used to mark a box the same way a checkmark is).

A family tree would be great, but it could get a bit confusing when you mix 'n match your villagers (especially common when you have a gender imbalance and small group).

I'd also love assigned breeding as an option (but to be able to turn if off and allow mix 'n matching too).

And there needs to be a way the game doesn't think my character is trying to breed when s/he's trying to heal.

Change the way parenting skill is accumulated - it's just crazy.

Get rid of the Golden Child altogether. Or at least let him grow up. Or make it so girls can be the Golden Child, too.

Someone somewhere mentioned "milestone" moments and the village celebrating - say the birth of a child or a two-year-old's "naming ceremony" or when a kid turns 14 or 18. Also, this would help the user keep track of what's going on. And I would love a countdown of minutes for a villager to turn 14/18 once they are 13/17. And for the baby to turn into a toddler 60 seconds after "0 minutes" is listed instead of six or seven or eight minutes later.

I'm for keeping breeding age at 18. It's unrealistic-ness is a minor issue, and you don't want parents up-in-arms about it. There should be an upper age limit, too. And while we're at that, we might make males able to breed less often after a certain age - but that might be too complicated to bother with.


Ooopsie just thought of something else.... I'd like to be able to customize the game a little. I think it would be fun if I could choose how many villagers I start off with and what ages they are. Make my own scenario ie... all kids 14 and under.... or one adult and a bunch of kids ... or just 2 ppl etc.

Fantastic idea. I'd love to make mine all under-18s and see what I could do. Or start with a bigger group (12?) and have two or three kids running around. Always feel sorry for the kid, with no one to play with him. Except pink and blue blanets, this is my most desired feature. You'd probably have to have limitations, so you couldn't start with more than 15 or so people (keep it 7 even, since there aren't enough huts) and couldn't make them all masters. Heck, make it a maximum of 7 with only one trainee if you have to. I'd still love to be able to pick ages, genders, and looks.

Coupled with other (more complicated?) modifications, you could even create married sets or sibling sets for your beginning. That'd be neat.

Edited by Tzigone (09/21/06 02:35 PM)