A marker for trainee, adept and master would be a great! I would like to see more of the villagers 'likes & dislikes' able to come true.
Likes:Monkeys --would like to see those
jokes --could some of the older villagers tell jokes, or kids could pull pranks
snakes --not sure about this one
exploring --could go on outing to the jungle with an elder
ants --maybe have to keep them out of the garden
heights --maybe a tree house or have them able to climb '???'
surprises --have some of the kids scare one another...or have surprise parties
berries --would like to see them come back
fruit --maybe some other fruit trees or a fruit garden
dark --would like to see nighttime or evening
butterflies --would like to see those again
Dislikes:caves --have a cave they won't go near
bees --swarms of bees
sunlight --won't come out of the house until evening
drums -- ???
I know that some of these are on both or switched, just a few of the ones from my villagers that could be done in VV3.
Some of the funnier dislikes I have had so far: wind, sunlight (you are on an island..hehe), crowds (better not have too many villagers then), learning (she proved that by just lounging around most of the time), running (this one is aggrivating cause they walk soooo slow), resting (you can't go, go, go all the time).
Well that's all for now.