MORE magic fish from fish tycoon
MORE magic plant from plant tycoon
MORE island event
MORE puzzle
MORE creature for the island
MORE new villager's behavior
MORE job
MORE builting not just small house it should have wharf for boat or tree house for kid to play
BIGGER island
you should add Day and night
you should add different weather to the island like raining or windy or sunny
you should add season
you should add many different kind of food
How about you must look after your house if the house get old and going to broke down you should made builter fix them or the house will broke down
Researcher should be more useful because after you research all tech researcher become useless
You should have a list of what happened
Old people should look different from young people they should have walking stick or anything to made them look old
Farmer should catch different kind of fish from sea beacause I am getting tired of seeing same fish again and again
Island should be little bit different from each game