I have a few suggestions....

I'm sure this has already been mentioned, but I have to throw my 2 cents in anyhow. I would really like to see more occupations available for my villagers. I mean, realistically there is only so much room at that research table. And then there is the fact that sometimes I have villagers doing laundry when they need to be at work. How about some of these options.....

Seamstress (they NEED new clothes)
Teacher (those kids clamor around the front of the school building then leave when no one shows up)
Pastor (or something along those lines for days of worship)

Something else I would love to see is actual aging. It's difficult to tell my 18 year olds from my 74 year olds. I can only hope *I* look so good at that age!! Couldn't the older villagers LOOK older?

Pets. I'm sure there has to be some animals on this island that could be tamed?

Hunting. Same thought process as the above idea, only animals for eating, not petting. Besides fish. If you consider those to be animals, that is.

I have to admit that while I enjoy the game immensely, I was a little disappointed over the fact that out of that entire island, these villagers are limited to a fraction of it. There could be villagers sent out to explore the rest of the island, but nooooo. They seem to be bound by some unnatural force field. Fear? I'm not sure. But when I look at the map and see the rest of this island, I feel somewhat cheated.

Anyhoooo .... those are my thoughts, suggestions and comments. Thanks for any consideration of them!
