A couple more suggestions I thought of (not in any order)=

1)Blue and pink blankets for the babies - in the arms of the nursing moms. That way you would know right away if you need to breed another couple - if you are waiting for a specific gender.

2) Have the Flower Garden help "weakened" villagers get stonger. After they have been sick and are still not 100% maybe a recouperation area amoung the flowers. This garden already says something like ".... is feeling well in the garden". so it would help them faster than just normal life.

3)I love this game - but I am finding the middle to be rather slow. There is not much of a challange after you get your village feeding themselves. The game kind of goes on "auto-pilot" So maybe more "interaction" areas = more injuries for the doctor or Masters being able to teach kids their trade so they learn faster - things you (as the 'controller' need to help with like the kids and the shrooms).

4) a Random "genious" child born - not as strong as the Golden Child - but born with more or stronger abilities right from the start.

Just a few ideas that I thought of while watching and helping my villages.

5) I don't know if there is a random event where the hut(s) are destroyed or not?? I have had a storm wipe out the food - but never the huts - just a thought.
Huggies - Pam

I live in my own little world - I like it there - Everyone knows me.