Alright. I have been reading the posts that have been posted after mine above. I like the idea of an outhouse. Sorry but I too think it was a little gross. Not to mention they all go right next to the firewood and "The Love Shack".
Not that this would be a vv3 improvement but I often wondered why the adults don't use the restroom too? Only if I make a certain stew Do they become adults and develop never ending bladders?

I had been playing my vv2 this morning and I thought of something that would be greatly appreciated... When I pause the game, I will line everybody up, click on them and assign them a duty. When I run the game again, I then have people who are "UNTRAINED". Untrained at what? I have to click on them, go to details and find out what their assignment is, go back to the game, and move them to their post. It would be nice if it would say "Untrained Farmer" or "Untrained Parent". That way it would be easier to see where these pond loving, bored, thinking, walk along the beach, lazy duffs are supposed to be.