1) More Farming jobs for farmers e.g. fishing with hook&line picking fruits from tree
2) More Building jobs for builders e.g. building a wharf, building extra food-bin for farmer to use, make fire to cook fish, make stew e.g.
3) More Research jobs for researcher e.g. researcher e.g. they go on a field-trip to research plant, natural place e.g.
4) Healer should be able to heal bit of health to sick villager during healing especailly if they are adept or master at healing
5) More hut maybe about 5 small huts and few big one so it look more like a village rather than just a home
6) More collectable e.g. feathers, colourful fishes from shallow water, empty vials e.g.
7) More action for young villagers e.g. chatting and water-fight for 10-13 year olds, 2-9 year old can alway stick together until they get older and they can their own hut, maybe a tree-house

Please have day&night time, at night they can light up their huts using fire
9) More plants that you can take your villagers to,some might be poisonous and some can have some of effect on villagers
I personally I think VV game should be funny rather than "Magical" but oh well it's no big deal.