I enjoy very much V2 ! But :
-I'd like a special place for the school. It's not very cool when farmers go with their fish and crabs across the "classroom". Why not a hut with a drum (as in V1) activated by an adept parent for calling the children?
-More games and occupations for the children and adults: round, reading a book, making and playing music instrument (flutes, drums..), painting... I miss some artistic skills!
-More relationships between children and their parents: when they cry or do a stupid thing, when they need a cuddle...
-I like the idea (in an other thread) of a master followed by one (or more) young villager (and children) who try to learn.
-More "likes/dislikes" as: noise, pets, read, speaking loud, cleaning, drawing, cuddles, to be disturb, to organize etc.
There are many things else, but... I must go back to my villagers!
PS: I'd like to ask your indulgence for my English (I'm French)