Howdy folks! I'm Adrie from central Texas, I love Virtual Villagers and cannot wait for VV2. I've been eyeing the percentage everyday since I found out there would be a second installment.

I'm a young mom to a 4 month old Miniature Schnauzer. She's freakin' awesome! Have a neice and a nephew who love to help me play VV and scream when seeing a mushroom. I got my boyfriend addicted to this game, and thankfully he has his own computer because I was tired of him crowding on mine!

I've been a member of the forums since buying the game, but never really post, so maybe I'll start here! I do have a question and I don't know if it has it's own thread because I haven't been able to find it, but direct me and I'll go there -- will there be a discount offered for VV2 if we didn't buy it from LDW? I purchased mine through Shockwave, and I still have an e-mail receipt, but...

Thanks everyone and good luck with the villaging!