
I just moved in, little hut down at the waterfront. Lovely!

I like this threat, I can emphasise. Not sure if my lovely boyfriend (lbf) can make much sense yet of my erate exclamations such as...:

How many villagers does it take to water a @$%&*£$ field?

I think they secretly had twins!!!! Twice!!

That Master Farmer is just a little TOO comfortable with the whole breeding thing. They just have to LOOK at him and are with child!! No more!!! *sends him researching* That'll keep him busy!

(btw: is anyone else trying to keep the, er... breeding, um, varied...?)

OF COURSE you're building a hut with the pieces of wood FURTHEST away from the building site. That's just like in real life. Nice work. Cup of tea while you wander across the beach?

Parrots?! PARROTS?!!??!?

Was that a kiss? Did she just kiss him???

Much looking forward to more antics!

bfn, Mue