I am a 59-year-old, divorced, woman living in Eagle, Idaho, very near Boise. I downloaded the trial version of VV and knew right away it was for me. I work nights, and one of my friends at work always asks about my VV people, like: "Did the old guy die?" Anway, I live with a couple of cats and a dog. I have two grandkids that I spend time with often. Mostly though, I am just on my computer like an addict. I've had a PC since the mid 1980s (not the same one), and it has been a source of delight and money well spent since then. I work nights, so on my off nights, I am on this thing all night long and it eases the boredom considerably, not to mention that it sometimes gets lonely when you cannot go places or call friends.

Edited by slundquist (11/01/06 12:51 AM)