HI I'm a full time mom. I to am disabled. I this is my 3rd marriage and my last. Between my husband and I we have 6 boys. His,mine and ours. NO girls. Waiting on grandkids hopefully I will get a girl than. Ages of boys 24,18,16,13,13,7. The oldest and 2 youngest our mine. The middle one's are my husbands. lol and the 7 yr is ours.
We live in a duplex my hubbys brother is buying so theres really 11 people on most weekends I cook for. His brother and his kids and my family. So I cook for 5 people upstairs (brother in law) and 6 people down stairs. Oh and I can't forget JJ our weenie dog. Most days I do as little as possible. But I also fix computers on the side. Mostly keep our bunch of pc's going and trouble free. I also help my husband keep his workplace computers up and running. I feel at times that the internet is the only life I have going. lol Oh forgot I was born in Michigan but have been all over. But am now living in Tacoma Washington. I am 44 yrs old. And I love VV its the only game I have ever bought just for myself. And yes I am addicted and my husband doesn't understand why I like to play the village idots as he calls them.