Oh oh !! Guess what girls ?? I too do Genealogy !! In fact I actually research for other people as a sort of small business. I advertise on Ebay, sell a few CD's and get a lot of commissions from Australia and the US. Presently I am working for a gentleman in Alabama (called Joe as well Monk) and we have become the greatest of penpals. If you need any help with Scottish rellies I'll try my best to help.
I had a stroke a few years ago through stress, so be careful and don't grind yourself into the dust - its bad for you !! LOL !! I am now semi-disabled and completely unemployable (thank goodness) due to brain seizures. But don't you dare feel any pity for me !! I am happier than I have EVER been. 2 dogs and a couple of FANTASTIC friends who take good care of me and would do anything for me (they'll learn LOL !!)
Dundee is a small ex-industrial city on the East coast of Scotland, just above Edinburgh on the map if you are looking.
Sit at my computer all day and most of the night flitting from VV1 to my other games and researching family trees. Can be boring sometimes but at least its safe. Blinking cold at the moment, with gale force winds that near take your face off as soon as you step outside !! I'm here in my wee cottage, in my sleeping bag, cosy as toast LOL !!
Here endeth my first chapter LOL !!