My youngest went into the army and got the army "do"... to me, he still looked nice. Course, never got a chance to see him with the camoflage... might make a difference if the bald guys in the game didn't have that green stripe on their face.. might NOT. The bald characters look like they were started out being drawn with a skull and then a (very) thin sheet of skin was put over it. I'm too old to want to play a game with characters that look like monsters. If they are suppose to resemble human beings, I would prefer they come closer to the mark.

I also realize that some players don't care, or might even enjoy the "interesting" looking characters. Which is why I suggested giving the option of letting players opt out on characters they don't want to see in the game. If I was player who just checked in every now and then, *I* wouldn't care... but I'm one who spends hour after hour after hour (at least 5 hours a day) working with my characters, and I do care.

STILL... Kudos to the artist(s) who drew the characters for VV1!!!!!!!!!!! I can barely draw a stick figure. What I would be able to draw... better not go there. Overall, especially most of the two-year-olds are just so adorable, wish I could adopt them.