the sims has got to be the most boring unrealistic sim ive ever played. The act of speeding up time and slowing down time makes things take unrealistically long. Where most people can get ready in an hour in the morning or less it takes your sims like 2 and a half hours to get ready because they arent paced at the speed of reality etc. No i agree this can't even be compared to the sims. Not similar in nearly any respect.

I like a lot of the ideas for VV2:

Roaming animals
tribal leader with different responsibilities than rest of tribe like guiding dictating teaching roaming the village. Maybe when an animal attacks the men of the tribe can run to a hut or weapon stand to grab spears and charge the animal off, of maybe butcher it for food. Simple things i dont think would take much time to add. Just like an event, only one you can watch. Day/night cycles would be good less activity at night but never the less there are night people and a lot more day people. Maybe kids could have little pets, cats dogs etc to follow around and play with. Maybe the fisherman can use the spears to fish as well. What about a method of running VV1 and VV2 simultaneously and sending people back and fourth between tribes or even just the village leader can go through the cave to see the other tribe. I know LDW is a great company with great imagination and i expect any and all additions to be well worth it.

Anyone who says they wont pay 20$ for 2 hours of play, is not playing the game correctly and fully. Maybe if those people didn't cheat, time warp, and ruin the playability of the game they would enjoy it more. I am the most impatient person that walks the state of PA, and even i can play the game without cheating. It is possible. Try it!!

On a side note can VV1 be updated with a patch even an unofficial one to up the village cap?
Village Monk
"There's no place like"