I wouldn't like to see the adults interact with the kids more, they get off task too much now. Earning tech points and harvesting food in the beginning is very important for their survival...not playing or teaching the kids. However, at level 3 when there is is no more tech points to earn or everyone is either fixing huts and harvesting, that would be a great time for relaxing and more interaction. I would like to see animals being herded and possibly used for food. Pets and games for the kids is good to keep them out of the way of the working adults throughout all levels. I also agree that the dead and decomposing bodies could be elsewhere on the island. Kids and moms with babies walking on them or sitting on them is gross! I have also noticed that each time there is a death, several villagers become sick and need healing in the middle of the funeral. What's that about? Did they get sick being around or handling the dead? Thanks for listening and possibly considering all these suggestions.