Hi Samkkgamer! (and Everyone Else)
You know you are totally justified in moaning about the wait for VF3. Sorry we are taking so long (I use "we" but it's mostly "me" that's slowing it down).
So, why is it taking so long? 1) Life. Life happens sometimes...I've been keeping things moving, but getting busy with my own little virtual family (my real one) and that takes away my available work time often. 2) Growing the company. I have been working with our partners to keep things growing, keep new (often smaller) projects moving along, and keeping our staff paid and fed and loved.

3) Revisiting what we want from Virtual Families 3. We are so proud of Virtual Families 2, and it really is our baby. We had finished probably 3/4 of VF3 when we stopped and really assessed what it was we were making. Barbara, in particular, has been a huge advocate of making sure that VF3 isn't just VF2 "rehashed". We are adding meaningful, deep changes to it, making sure it is cute and deep and that it shows all the love we are putting into it.
Anyway, sorry again for making you (and everyone) wait so long. I have really cleared my plate from the partners-work and distracting side-games I've been helping with, and we are geared up to have all 4 wheels on the ground at full speed in January. Virtual Families 3, and ONLY Virtual Families 3!! It is mostly done, also, to be honestly.
I've spoken with Barbara and we've agreed to allow a few more leaks of meaningful new content, as well, so you guys can see what we are working on, and so you will have some idea of how much is left to go. Stay tuned for real, meaningful updates!!
With Love,