I know it's been a long time since someone posted here.. I am Desperate.. I tried PM you but your private topic reached their limit, so I had to come back here and ask, not starting a topic about the same thing.
Eh i know it's dead topic but I don't want to start another one and be reverted to here when my answer isn't here yet, so I gotta put it here, if you get my drift, hopefully..
I have a question how long does it take for the townie to um starve now he's going around, saying he's hungry, all the time, now..then so so hungry, then looking for food, in kinda of macabre humorous way.I saw him like following an insect,says fascinated with insect. I think he's getting bloody hungry Eh.. I look back it was gone.. I know they can't eat them but then, oh my mind, vivid, I'm a old RPG gamer see...
So it's been days now, he hasn't asked for any food there's just the pitiful eyes, I have to tell myself he brought this on himself and we don't get the option to evicte him which would be more of a Paragon choice, which I'm being forced to do the Renegade choice, or live with him, and I refuse to live with it so one does what they must aye..
Goddess I hope the update gives us the eviction notice it's turning us into murderous mayors. Lol.
I feel bad and not, Eh I tried to feed and accommodate and when they still get worse and not better you're not in the least appreciated in any form, verbally abused, they give lousy gifts. I've always been polite..then its sorry you don't get anymore Quest done, or fed.. it's time to leave..
This is my justification, do i want my daughter around someone like that, she follows him, he's a bad example.. or worse.. that's the RPG gamer got to find the rationalisation for your action, in your mind. So now that he's just a creep doesn't bother me that he's starving. Am I feeling guilty no not in the least. Ahhhhhhh.. I gotta keep with my creative story or else I won't be able to do it.. I just don't believe I'm asking it on a gaming Forum..
So how long actually weeks,days?
If someone would be ever so kind and answer me if not the instigator herself of all this

So the horrifying question. How long exactly was it for any of you did it take? ... fess up come on... give me the spot on truth..
I've got two of them now I want to get out of there..
I want a peaceful town can anyone blame one the world's crazy enough Virtual Town needs to be nicer..
So right now it's been almost a week and nothing..If in weeks about how many? When do they finally leave the town one way or another.
I also have a nice storage Cellar in my mayor's house filled with food, so my good townies are all getting fed daily hand fed with each quest, then especially if I can't fulfill the task...
@Aviatrix, someone, could you be ever so kind..?
P.S. Someone mentioned it here in this thread and I just to comment my experience with,peep slightly feel the machete, he was sitting there I had a harvest waiting seconds to ripen.
Eh he was waiting there so I pulled out my machete and started swinging it at him,it did literally move him, moved him several times, then he ran away, as he was coming back. had time to harvest before he got there,he gave me the stink-eye.. so they do feel it if you swing it close to them..IME. I chased someone out of my yard with a machete that way, in VT.. Lol