Hello everyone! I just wanna say that the hard work everyone of you at ldw is doing hasn't gone unnoticed. Your commitment to your gamer fans is very appreciated! I think ldw is awesome!
So with that said, I'd like to tell you what I think are the two coolest details in Virtual Town.
* When my mayor walks into the clothes shop I can see her reflection in the mirrors across the room!! Nice touch guys! And better still, if the mayor's child follows her in, you can see her in the mirror too!
OMG really? Brilliant. You don't see THAT in Virtual Families. I don't know maybe it's just me but I was impressed.
* This one might be a bit of a stretch of my imagination,
but when the mayor is standing by the window in her house, I am pretty sure I see tiny dust like particles floating through the sunlight rays from the window!!
I know what some of you are thinking but it's a natural occurrence, she keeps her house clean.
Anyway, if it's just my imagination....just go with it! (ldw is thinking-"um....you're right.
yep we meant to do that".
Well that's it for now. Thanks for the opp to share this with everyone.