When you get the beach finish there will be differnt visitor. I find there 4 different ships. They came in one at a time at diffent times.One has plants. The tent will be in middle of town.wilburt moss sells sunflowers fern, Houstonia banana tree,daisy lemon bush,black orchid,blue rose rosebush,red berries cactus. I buy two of each plant. I Turn these 6 into the Museum. Then I will then use the mutation liquid on them this is what I get sunflower fern =lime daffodil,Houstonia banana tree =daisy lemon bush,daisy lemonbush= cactus Bali bamboo tree,black orchid= blue flower lemongrass,blue rose rosebush= blackberry ananas,red berries cactus=mele rare oak. I hope this helps
Edited by lisann (02/27/17 02:49 AM)