That's really a great thought.

Wow, mine was 67 when I last saw him alive. When the couples die, the age at which they died is not stated, why? unlike in vv. Is it possible to have a burial? Where all family members could gather and there did be words like "dearly beloved, we are gathered here today..." It would be so emotional:)
The couples or either one alive, don't necessarily have to stay alive for so long. 70-80 is the best. I believe it did be better if we have the choice to start up the next generation, immediately after any of the elderly couple gets to 67. It did be cool if a wheel chair or walking stick be made available, for the elderly at age 70 I guess. Maybe at that age they find it difficult to move without a walking stick or wheel chair(severe case), depending on how healthy he/she has lived I guess. These items will have to be purchased, otherwise the elderly man/woman would have to be put on the bed, food did be taken to him/her there, doctors could be called to check up on them, to at least let us know how soon they did kick the bucket, based on their health etc. Everything is a matter of choice though, to keep both aged couples or kick them out. I did never kick them out though:( Have fun ldw fans:)