Speaking of awesome. The papasan chairs mod created by Aviatrix have had an awesome effect on my little peeps. There was a time I couldn't get them to sleep at all when I was online. I had to rely on them sleeping when the game was closed for the night. But ever since installing the papasan chairs they choose to sleep in them all the time... And I do mean ALL THE TIME.
Below you can see father and son taking a nap at the same time in the chairs. I thought that was so cute. Dad went to take a nap and only moments later son came and sat in the chair beside him and took a nap too. That has never happened before.
I think the new chairs are just so comfy they can't help it. Even when I sit the kids on the chairs for a time out, they just fall into nap time. See picture below. Now, they don't seem to hate time out anymore. They love to read books, magazines, and newspapers in those chairs. They daydreem, nap, and seem to do anything they can to get to those chairs. Sometimes, I even think they misbehave just to get time out in those chairs.