As much as I would love to give an update here, that's something that Arthur likes to do. When he makes a public announcement, I'll make sure it's posted here as well. smile

I do want to clear up a few inaccuracies in the speculation that I've seen here, though. The desktop versions (Windows and Mac) of VF2 will operate much like the original Virtual Families did. They will not be based on the "freemium" model that was used for the iOS version. You will purchase the game for one initial purchase price, as we have always done for our desktop games.

Also, Windows 8 is not the same thing as iOS, and apps developed for iOS will not run on any version of Windows 8 (tablet-based or computer). Every platform we develop our games for (Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android) requires a separate version, and we have to undertake a completely separate development effort to port it onto each device family. That's why it takes some time after we release the first version before you see other versions become available. We can't do them all at once like big gaming companies do. blush
Last Day of Work