We really appreciate everyone's interest in our new games, and especially VF2! We're excited about it, too!

I want to post a quick update on everyone's beta test applications. We have received them all, and we will keep your information on file to use whenever we need beta testers for any upcoming beta tests.
We still have a huge number of people on our "waiting list" who have been waiting more than two years for a chance to test a game. We always start our beta tester selections from the oldest applications, and we always fill up a beta test before we can get through the waiting list.
One thing that you can all do to improve the chance that you'll be chosen when the time comes, though, is to make sure that we always have your current email address. You would be surprised at how many people miss out on their opportunity to beta test one of our new games because their invitation email was returned to us as undeliverable.