My first family just had their third baby.

My first family just had their third baby.
BrinaAge - 35
Profession - Engineer
Likes - Makeup
Wants kids? - Definitely
Other - Great Aunt Nellie*
FrancozoAge - 35
Profession - Dental Tool Maker
Likes - Insects
Wants kids? - Not really
Other - Aunt Millie*
AkieAge - 7
Likes - TV, birds
Other - Great Aunt Millie*, Great-Great Aunt Nellie*
BootsAge - 2
Likes - Flies
Other - Great Aunt Millie*, Great-Great Aunt Nellie*
PanAge - Newborn
Likes - The dark
Other - Great Aunt Millie*, Great-Great Aunt Nellie*
Brina was my initial adoptee and Francozo was her first marriage proposal. Akie was their first daughter, followed by Boots. Brina has purple dyed hair and Francozo is a blonde, but both Akie and Boots turned out redheads (Boots has darker hair, while Akie's is more orangey) and the latest addition is Pan, who is the first brunette. I can't tell from the family picture if Pan is a boy or girl yet.
Both Francozo'a Aunt Millie and Brina's Great Aunt Nellie aren't characters I adopted, but they sent birthday e-mails with gift cards.
I'm hoping to at least get six kids out of Brina and Francozo, but it takes a little longer after each baby to get another one.