This lil family has given me many chuckles, but their last stunt really made me LOL.
Meet Webby, my inheritee. She's a BBQ Sauce Creator.
She married Paulone, a Recipe Inventor.
Both kitchen careers and both love to cook. Nothing too unique there. But then, they began having babies.....
First was a daughter with the cute lil brunette updo. They named her Paprika. I chuckled, thinking what a cute name for their firstborn, considering their careers.
Next, another daughter. Identical to the first. They named her Pepper. Again, I chuckled, thinking what a coincidence.
Third was a son. Evidently they weren't too happy about having a boy (even though I was.) They named him Glitch.
By the time a fourth child was due, I had forgotten about the name coincidence... until she was born. Identical to her sisters, they named her Cocoa. Well that really made me giggle because poor lil Glitch looked really out of place on the family tree and his name just made it worse.
Time for number 5, another daughter. You guessed it - she was identical to her sisters. Bet ya can't guess what they named her! Cookie!
The "Food Girls" were growing up fast and poor Glitch was tortured by them always occupying the bathroom sinks and mirrors. I decided it was time for a sixth. As I dropped Webby onto her Recipe Inventing hubby I said, "OK Guys, let's have another boy!" (Yes, I talk to my lil peeps.) Nothing.
I tried again, this time saying, "OK we need one more baby, but let's try to stay away from the food related names." Nothing.
They were getting into their 40s and I was getting a little nervous, so I boosted them and tried again, repeating my request. Nothing.
Not one to give up when I want something from my lil peeps, I tried again. But this time I said, "OK. I'm sorry about the name comment. Just give me one more baby and you can name it anything you like. I don't know why you'd want to name kids like that anyway." TaaaDaaaa!!! Baby Number Six was born!
I happily clicked onto the family screen to see what we had had, to my surprise what I found was their answer to my question:
HABIT!! LOL!! I guess that explains it.