My 14 year old kid was just banging dishes in a kitchen with a smoking oven.

I'm on my first generation with this family right now, and Pop is spoiled to death and is certaintly going to inherit the house. The parents are Saphella and Bengino, and the kids are Vanilla, Pop, and Meteora. Pop is the only one who inherited their mother's blond hair, and the other two have their father's red hair. They also have a turtle named Tart (which is one of the reasons I want Pop to inherit the house). Vanilla has been off to college for a few game-years now, Pop just turned 14 and Meteora is the youngest at 3.
Pop randomly turned 14 before my eyes as he was going to go play on the lawn. I got a picture of it. (I would post it but I can't figure out how and I'm too lazy. :P) So far he has banged dishes, hid, and played in the sand by himself at 14.