Wow, it's been awhile. I've been away for months and I get back to find that the game is already out!?! Awesome! I just got done with the free trial, and it was brilliant. VV3 was my favorite, because it was the hardest in my opionion, but this? The graphics are amazing, it's a challenge, and it's a totally new virtual villagers experience. I definately have a new favorite. I really can't imagine how this could be topped.
I can see why the whole "convert the heathens" thing could be a little unsettleing to people, it even made me, (not the most religious person in the world,) a little uneasy at first, but I think in the context of the game it's totally fine. It's not like we're beating them or anything, although I am a little guilty of dropping bees on the yellow masks to get some firewood.
Overall I say six thumbs up, coming from me and my two little sisters. I can't wait until my parents get paid, I'm getting the game instead of my allowence this week.