As always with LDW games, it's very pretty. I like that it's much more difficult than the previous games as well but I'm a bit concerned that for "Casual" gamers it's a little TOO complicated (the Tutorial stops at telling you to build a love shack but there's a LOT of steps to be able to do that before you can get the next step and so many of them aren't obvious). I also can't stand the "kiting" aspect, it so tedious.
While I'm not vehemently agains the "convert the heathens" style I do find it a bit on the nose in a game that's already fairly non-inclusive of non-traditional aspects (the games are full of straight, white people where the woman is the only one involved in child rearing and now we're adding a one true religion to it?).
Speaking of the women, I was really hoping that this time we'd see women actually able to do SOMETHING while nursing. While I don't expect them to be working I was hoping for maybe able to collect items and mushrooms like the kids or at the very least I had hoped they would be able to be used for conversion, I mean they only have to talk, surely they could do THAT with a baby in their arms?
The last drawback is the fact of kids dropping rare items when encountering an aggressive heathen. Man, SO annoying! It's hard enough some times to just SEE a rare but to then have it dropped? OUCH!
Having said all of that, it's not all bad. The visuals are adorable, I love the sound track and effects (the heathens crack me up) and am quite interested in the new aspects of the game play (god powers, conversion etc). For me it looks like it's really going to satisfy that urge for slightly harder gaming that I've wanted from a VV game (each one has been getting a little bit harder, requiring more brain power but this one seems to have taken a huge leap in that respect).
All in all, though there's a couple of things I find annoying I'm growing to like it more and more as I play

Thanks again for a new and exciting challenge!