I noticed thy don't have the Heathen mummy now I wish I kept the other version saved on a desk and played that on another computer bigger laptop maybe in a future time. Still that's gone now.
By the way I had all 17 solved within that time period up and running village before I downloaded the up dated one only when I decided to start a new game in the 2sd one down so had 2 games on the go, that's when I discovered there was no heathen mommy. Silly me I thought don't have this puzzle in next game one starts. Want back to my first game, and that's when it dawned on me was taken out. what puzzled me is would the baby that was around at the time when it left it's mom age of 2 still be in the game, I don't think I noticed that part. this was after it was solved.
-We could get a little game:
"is it a nursing mommy or daddy?"
or a new clothes for the female?
- Now i understand why they took the puzzle out because of this glitch only wish mine was a daddy before it want, oh well