Virtual Villagers Tips & Tricks, Walkthroughs, Guides, Hints and HelpLast Day of Work Official Forums: Virtual Families, Virtual Villagers, Fish Tycoon
Here is tutorial for this glitch: - First, you need to created a lake before doing this [Puzzle #10] - Then use butterfly power in south coast/rocks - Place one or few of your children in the water, so they will "drown" just before butterfly effect wears off - After butterfly effect wears off, if Glitch isn't triggered, lure Rascal into radius of "drowned" kid/s
Have fun. Note, that positions of all villagers could scramble after you pause/resume/close game.
Here is my futher usage of glitch because of course villagers positions will scramble soon or later. This position of Rascal is what I call "Perfect". Because there are triggers from both sides now. And as you can see, children are floating on the water
Click to reveal..
Edited by Xay (01/10/1107:27 PM) Edit Reason: combined consecutive posts