Originally Posted By: Havetia
Why that would be 30Flames3

And so it would! laugh Congratulations Havetia! laugh laugh laugh

Ok, Time for a little "recap:"

Who Am I
.2.........Halidog................Luke Gates
.3.........Ninja Penguin.......VFLover09
.4.........The Gnome...........Krystal
.5.........Queen of Ploknar...Krystal
.6.........Jazzo...................Luke Gates

VFLover09 1 win
30Flames3 1 win
Luke Gates 2 wins
Havetia 3 wins
Krystal 3 wins

Look for Game 11 to appear soon!
grin grin grin
Fan Fiction Mentor

Avvie by Airstream Raider
Where have all the Fan Fiction Fans gone?
(I miss Laurence cry)
I miss my wife cry