1. If you need to pee, where do you go?
a) Backyard
b) Bathroom
2. If you find a shell/rock on the beach, where does it end up?
a) In your science lab
b) In your collection/On the beach
3. When your husband/wife/dad/mom/son/daughter comes home from work, what's the first thing you ask him/her?
a) How many tech points did you earn today?
b) How was today's work?
4. What are you going to do next?
a) Play VV
b) Answer the next question and get back to work.
5. Do you ever find yourself day dreaming about VV?
a) Yes
b) No
Give yourself 1 point for each “a” and 2 points for each “b”.
5-6 points: You are totally addicted to VV!!!
7-8 points: You love VV but you are not addicted yet.
9-10 points: You don’t play enough VV. Try to make it a habit

~the end~