I don't say them aloud, but I do occasionally whack my forehead at some of the stupider things they do.

"Did you just walk off in the middle of a story? Get back here!"

"Azizi, seriously, how hard can it be to tell a story to a six year old?"

"Why are all my male villagers 'waiting for someone'? Azizi, what did you do!?"

"Quick, it's raining, go stand on the lift!"

"... You missed it. The lift has risen. You failed. Now you must tell kids stories until you become a master parent. Have fun with that."

"C'mon, there are three mushrooms and five kids, surely it can't be that hard?!"

"Um... Where did all the kids go? o_0"

"I know that one of you kids is here, I can see your footsteps"