I have noticed two things, not sure if they are bugs or not.
I am running Win xp and run on fast during the day, slow at night. Never paused yet.
1. The 'Never Ending Stew' which i saw someone else mention. My villagers made a stew of sweet + spicy + soapy + fruit + blackberries+mushroom + 2 food from bin, oh and fresh water. When the stew was done they all thought it smelled good and came to get some. The adults are painfully slow so the children would get their food before the adults and head over to the fire. The first two times if anyone reached the end of the bridge before everyone had their stew everyones stew would dissapear and they would all go back for seconds (and thirds.) The next few times the children and my one runner would get to the fire with their food, sit and start to eat, but as soon as the last person got their stew everyone would lose their food again and head back for more. This went on about a dozen times before I had someone pour out the stew to put a stop to it.
Screenshot (i was taking it for a contest) of everyone a split second before all their food went 'poof' and they all ran back to the pot for more.

As you can see everyone is still on their way there, but a split second later the last slow adult got her stew and then everyone's stew dissapered and they ran back for more. I tried putting the slow adults there first to get their stew, but the kids are still faster and they all got in a loop of running back for more stew every 30 seconds or so.
2. The hospital. When people get sick they go to the hospital, but when my scholar/doc is put there all he will do is "work on medicine" not heal. The only way any doctor heals is if I manually force them to heal someone, and it has to be done away from the hospital. Not sure if this is a glitch or not, but I seem to recall in the other games sick people would go to the hospital where a doctor would heal them. It seems like if a sick person is on the bed you should be able to drop a doc on them to heal them, but that doesn't happen. May just be how it is supposed to be though
Also I don't think my tide goes in and out, but they do find fish scales on occasion. The water seems to always be at the same point, I may take screen shots to be sure about that.