Thoroughly enjoying the game so far but playing it as a casual gamer - playing it in 20 minute bursts so to say - it'll last longer that way too

My wife is way ahead of me in the game so far

It's good to see some people trying to offer constructive criticism rather than just gushing about the game - this is the type of thing that helps a developer make improvements to the next installment after all.
My wife loves the VV series. She's still playing the first three of them, and still has her original tribe in VV3 going strong. She's thoroughly enjoying VV4 so far but feels the advance it's made over VV3 is not as much as she'd expected. But hey, if it ain't broke don't fix it ... change a winning formula too much and one risks ruining what draws its audience in, and I can see LDW have wisely been careful not to tamper too much with this delicate balance.
Myself personally, well I love exploring ... I don't know what the limits of the game engine are, but my wish list for VV5? I'd love to have an island 10 times this size to wander over and explore

Perhaps chunks of the island could be hidden and revealed only afterwards as certain puzzles are solved.