I have discovered a small "glitch"...I have a teacher who is highly adept in most and master in everything else, problem is that the children are only learning to farm

...I am at the point in the game where I have plenty of food and really don't need that many farmers. SO my question is there a way to change what they learn or am I stuck with this. I haven't tried another teacher as of yet (thinking I should) I will let you know if this changes anything

***Update....changed teachers and they are still only learning farming....Hmmmmmmm. This must be a bug :(*******
I have seen them learn farming and building, but nothing else yet.
Mine mostly learn Research. I've assumed that's because all my teachers are Master Scientists - but maybe it's the nature of the tribe or something.
I've been wondering about why one skill predominates always. I suspect it's because all the teachers, even scholars, have one skill that is their highest, and that's the one they'll pass on the most. Perhaps if we want the kids to learn all the skills equally we will need to keep a faculty of at least five (preferably all Scholars), each member being maxed out in a particular skill.
I don't believe that it is a glitch, and I don't believe that the teachers have as much to do with what the children learn as their parents do. I have had more than 50 Scholars in my village. With only one or two exceptions, their highest (usually maxed) skill has been either research or healing. If the scholars influenced what the children learn, I would expect to see a village full of apprentice scientists or healers. Instead, I almost always have apprentice builders. The only other skill that has popped up (only once or twice so far) has been farming. I have from the beginning started my villagers to master building, followed by parenting, then farming. Since the villagers on parenting seem to prefer younger, more skilled partners, they usually spend their time chasing my builders and farmers.
So, if the original posters parents were more farmers than not, it would not matter what the teachers were mastered in.
The one thing I have noticed is that my villagers never seem to choose parenting to learn. Not sure if that is intentional to allow the player more control over the parenting process or not.