I just listened to the entire podcast while looking at the slides and it was brilliant! I don't recommend it for all ages whistle but I personally found it absolutely clever and charming.

Wonderful talk & slide show Arthur & Carla! I get new ideas popping in my head for innovative games all the time and it makes me very picky in what I purchase. This talk has helped me recognize what things I should look for before even trying out a game.

I'm not sure whether I'd prefer a "spiritual sequel" or direct one for my personal favorite, Virtual Families grin If there is a new one with a subtitle, there's a whole lot of potential but there is also so much potential for a new similar game. Even if there is no sort of sequel, I'm also hooked on the Virtual Villagers series and really looking forward to the fourth installment.

Whatever you release, I'm good! Game on grin
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