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My little puppy just turned 54 and I am wary about giving him the energy drink, - only gave it to him once. Is there a recommendation regarding how often it can be administered? Is there a possibility of overdosing or "speeding"? Thanks.
I only have the trial, but from what I've read, I believe there's no problem with giving it to your pet. I think I read somewhere that it's main purpose is to give older, slower pets a boost
All I know about reality I could write on a contact lens with a crayon
Dumb question, but how do you give your pet the energy drink? He doesn't seem interested in it when I just put it down next to him, or if I put it in his food bowl. Is there a special way to give it to him?
Here's a silly question. Can they 'overdose' on energy drink? Just wondering, as... well, feeding a lot of Red Bull wouldn't be good for a senior, I was wondering if this was the same for my 'senior' pet.
That was my first question (top message from "Anonymous"). I have heard from a couple of people (including one of the responses) that there isn't a danger of overdosing your puppy with the energy drink. Still, I take precaution and give him one drink a day (occasionally two). Do I need to be that cautious? Got me.