Virtual Villagers Tips & Tricks, Walkthroughs, Guides, Hints and HelpLast Day of Work Official Forums: Virtual Families, Virtual Villagers, Fish Tycoon
Okay finally my last one. I was thinking about my flowered guy, which I named Tommy, and thought "hey, Tommy probably gets picked on for being girly by the village boys"and I started thinking about what kind of guy would pick on him. And I thought it would be funny if I made him a twin brother who was totally different from him in every way. So here is his twin brother Sharky. I'll tell you how he got that nick name. See, poor Sharky was sad that his mom always reffered to Tommy and Sharky,and not Sharky and Tommy, and they always wore the same clothes. He decided to set himself apart by finding a shark tooth(from VV3) and a styinging red star fish(also from VV3). This would prove he was much braver than Tommy, and remind everybody that he was born first! He succeded, as you can tell from his acessories, but in the process he ripped up his clothes a little. And to impress the village girls, he gave them some starfish, and my girl outfit, who I named Pearl, is switching on and off between dating Sharky and Tommy. So as you can see, if one of your village children has this outfit, it will show he has strength, and weather he's leading a family or leading the construction of that new hut, he'll be a great leader some day.
Sorry I had so much to say and it's kind of a run-on, but it was all important and I needed to say it.
Edited to add: the green jacket is made of leaves(like his brothers pants) and his pants are jeans, not sure if they have those on Isola though. The shirt was origionally white, but got stained with blood. The starfish is his belt buckle, and the shark tooth necklace is the most important part.