Wow, I missed so many amazing outfits in the last while! Here goes..
BitterBlue, you have an amazing talent with art as I can see it in the way you drew that dress.. it is beautiful, I love the choice of colors and I'd be so thrilled to see that on one of my villagers! Really breathtaking entry.

Joine, never tell yourself that your work is terrible! Nothing wrong with self-evaluating but I encourage you to keep going.

I think your entry is cute

I love the little blue flower in the middle.
serendipity, that islandy top and skirt is beautiful! I Love the leaves on the bottom of the skirt, it's mesmerizing like a mosaic! As for your final entry it looks like a professional plan for a real outfit

I think it's cute!! I'd love that one on one of my villagers as well. I really do encourage you to look into creating mods because I can tell you will flourish in that area!
PT it's great seeing you enter! I really like the outfit and how you attached the top to the bottom

Now with the last of my energy, I'm entering my final outfit for the contest. I spent enough time contemplating what I could do for a male and here it is!

Yes, one of the Virtual Families peeps snuck into my image editor to model the outfit.. I don't know where he hid the poor villager though!