I have a Shockwave membership also, and would not have discovered LDW's games if not for it. I play core games to the hilt and play nothing else when I'm really into one. As Emri said, Shockwave allows unlimited play on any games for a very small monthly fee. They are mostly casual games. I use those as "time killers," and my daughter and her friends love them.

I don't have a count on the hidden object games we've had, but at the last hard drive "clean out" I uninstalled 43 hidden objects and 27 time managements. The hidden object games that have a story line I usually finish in an hour or two. Those that don't, I don't even play. I absolutely hate the ones that have objects that look like they are pasted on top of the image and/or don't even go with the theme. Time management games are just the way Arthur described them - they are all copies of Diner Dash, and no more interesting.

I could have played my Shockwave version of VF forever, without any additional cost and without any annoying changes to the game (that some other game hosting sites have.) I chose to buy it from LDW because of these forums. I absolutely, whole-heartedly agree that web presence matters (not just for casual games, either) and yes, we (the customers) care.