I have been a member of this forum since 02/25/07. For over 2 years now, I have known Arthur. I consider him a friend, an honest, and true person. With Arthur, it is what it is and that's what you get. I admire that genuine quality. I feel I am much the same way, so when I read this article, it didn't surprise me to see what I was reading. It was very candid and truthful. In some ways, I can see other game developers getting "put out", or slightly offended by the observations made. I have to agree with what was said.
I have 11 hidden object titles in my game arsenal. After awhile, I stopped getting them because it got to feel as if you've seen one, you've seen them all. The game didn't change, and as it was said in the article, the experience was pretty much the same for everyone who had the game. "find the key up here", "find the boot over here".
I have a few match 3 games but after a while it didn't matter if I was matching crystals, life-preservers, or platypus', it was the same game every time I opened it up. There great for me, if I really am just looking to pass the time away and really don't want to put much brain effort into what I am doing.
The article I just read was dripping with truth. Games, like the one's LDW puts out, are ever changing and depending on what you do with your game, can actually have a great impact on the outcome. The variables are plentiful which makes my game experience different from anyone else who is playing the game.
Way to go LDW. Way to go Arthur.